Here you will be able to see the latest and most important events during the project
18th - 22nd of September / The Netherlands
Partner Teachers' Training: Transforming VET Education.
A Five-Day Journey Towards Innovation and Empowerment.
This transformative training initiative aimed to equip vocational education
and training (VET) educators with the skills and knowledge to foster entrepreneurship in their students, laying the foundation for a significant project in the process.
13th - 14th of June / Kaunas, Lithuania
Transnational Project Meeting
This transnational meeting was important for monitoring the progress
of the preparatory activities of the project up to this stage and for
reviewing the next project planning, revising the budget, creating and
monitoring the results.
During the 2-day meeting, we were focusing on the following topics:​
Sharing profiles and experiences of each partner organizations, institutions and students;
Training on the 'ETwinning platform' to the staff responsible for the implementation of our project and the development of the project results (as we will also turn this project into an Etwinning project) – Lithuania is responsible;
Evaluation of the activities in the 3-month preparation period of the project;
Provide all partners with information on project management and evaluation of the learning process and discuss how partners can be involved in this effort and review;
Review of transnational and local project activities;
Discussing the effort required by the project partners to disseminate and build community around the project and to carry out this dissemination process in their context (local, regional and European level);
Discuss with partners on financial and administrative rules and processes related to accounting, record keeping and final reporting procedures;
Reviewing the 'Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule' created for our project by LV and NL;
Planning of upcoming project activities.
* Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.