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The Final Conference

The text highlights the final conference of the Erasmus+ project "Entrepreneurship Education for VET Schools," showcasing its achievements and the impact on entrepreneurship education.

          Erasmus+ project "Entrepreneurship Education for VET Schools" ended in October. On 30 September 2024, the last activity of the project "Entrepreneurship Education for VET Schools" - the final conference - took place at the "Līva Hotel", during which the project participants and cooperation partners reflected on the achievements. The conference provided an opportunity to review the impact of the project on entrepreneurship education and growth and to explore future perspectives. In the first part of the conference, teachers of Liepaja State Technical College - Indra Ruperte, Linda Kravcova and Agnese Getaute-Zariņa talked about the activities organised in the project, what were the benefits, and how the contribution of cooperation partners has helped in the development of the project. Rēzija Egmane, a student of Liepāja State Technical College, and Anastasia Lepa, a graduate of the Technical College, shared their experience in the activities of Student Learning Enterprises (SLEs) and their impact on consolidating and improving the knowledge acquired at school. 

          After the first part of the event, there were a panel discussion "Entrepreneurs' Rules of the game", during which Andris Kāposts, CEO of YOU+, addressed 3 great entrepreneurs -Māris Egmanis, owner of SIA "Windrose", Raivis Ekšteins, co-owner of SIA "InPass", Agnese Džiguni, Senior HSE and Compliance Specialist at Global Fuel Terminals at SIA"Circle K Terminal & Transport Latvia", who shared their stories about what it means to be an entrepreneur, the challenges of building and running your own business, as well as their opinions on what they think would be the most valuable things to consider to excel in today's working environment. Never give up, but always move forward, and never lose faith in yourself - these were the most important lessons highlighted by experienced entrepreneurs.

          After the panel discussion, guests were invited to take part in an exciting game "Patents" to discover the secrets of intellectual property and experience a unique simulation."The Young Entrepreneur", or today's The Young Entrepreneur of today is "young entrepreneur" - a "young entrepreneur", a "young entrepreneur" as seen by young people, which would allow them to understand what young people themselves have understood about what a modern entrepreneur is and what he or she should be like.

          At the end of the event, these podcasts were presented to the audience. As many participants said, the project has provided a more open perspective and understanding of the different areas related to studying and young people's development after working in companies.


Erasmus+ project "Entrepreneurship Education for VET Schools", Action 2 KA210 "SmallPartnerships" of the European Union, implementation period: 1 May 2023 to 31 October 2024

* Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the State Education Development Agency (SEDA). Neither the European Union nor State Education Development Agency (SEDA). can be held responsible for them.

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